Take the sixty second challenge

Excluding time spent in the bath, bed or waiting rooms, how often do you spend time in complete silence? Today I took one minute out of my lunch break at work to just sit quietly away from the hustle and bustle of the day doing nothing at all. And it was great!

I live on my own so you would think it would be quite easy to find plenty of minutes which I could use to do nothing at all. However that is not the case at all. There may be many minutes where I am not doing anything specific, but there is always music playing, the TV on, a book being read, food being cooked, a dog being played with, the phone ringing, social networks being browsed and so on. From waking with a radio alarm to falling asleep with a book or watching a movie, the day is filled with activity of some description.

Recently I began Bowen therapy to help with an Achilles’ tendon problem. During the sessions, it was very noticeable that I was extremely tense and had trouble relaxing. Three sessions in and I am getting much better at relaxing and recognising that we all have a need to take time out. But, that time out shouldn’t have to be dependant on booking a 30 minute session in someone else’s house at a fixed price.

Now whether it is down to the therapy or learning to relax, or both, but the tendon problem has massively improved recently. So with that in mind I will be making a conscious effort from today to reserve a minute of do nothing time. The aim is just to do nothing. Avoid any planning, going over conversations, thinking about what’s happened or about to happen. A pure, untainted sixty seconds. Why don’t you give it a try? I’d be interested to hear how easy you find it to do nothing, think nothing, hear nothing, say nothing… And not fall asleep!

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